Friday, May 11, 2007

Videotape trips up alleged terror plot

By UPI StaffUnited Press InternationalMay 9, 2007

FORT DIX, NJ (UPI) -- An FBI sting has resulted in the arrest of six Muslim men who were allegedly plotting to kill soldiers at the Fort Dix U.S. Army base in New Jersey.
The investigation began after the men allegedly took a videotape to a store to have it converted to a DVD in January 2006, U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie said. The store owner got in touch with the FBI because the tape showed them practicing with assault-type weapons and calling for jihad and yelling "God is great" in Arabic.

The defendants include four ethnic Albanians from the former Yugoslavia, three of them brothers living in the United States illegally and operating roofing businesses out of their home in Cherry Hill, a New Jersey suburb of Philadelphia. The other three defendants, two originally from Turkey and one from Jordan, are legal residents or U.S. citizens.

During the investigation, a confidential informant pretended to be an arms dealer. The arrests were made Monday night as two of the defendants met with the informant.
Christie said that the men were involved in surveillance at Fort Dix and wanted to kill as many soldiers as possible. They also allegedly had plans of a Coast Guard station in Philadelphia.


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