Today is the final day of the presidency of our 43rd president, George Walker Bush.This man stood up to the bullies of the world only to be ridiculed by the MSM and far left kooks. He made tough decisions without worrying what the polls were or what France or Germany thought. Mr. Bush has kept this great nation safe after 9/11 and that is his legacy and the only issue that matters. Yes the economy sucks right now, but if you're dead, you can't enjoy a good one.
Mr. President, you were my Commander in Chief and I would walk through the gates of hell if you asked me to. You are a great man and you will be misssed by a majority of fair minded Americans. God bless you!
Memorable Moments and Events:
2000 Election: You won it fair and square. The US Supreme Court looked at all the arguments and all the ballot counting in Florida and sided in your favor, even with a liberal majority on the bench. Al Gore is till crying over it. Far left kooks always made the lame argument that you "stole" the election, but we know the deal and you were rewarded with another term 4 years later.
September 11th, 2001: No one expected it. I blame only the terrorists and their sympathizers for the attack. You reacted with professional demeanor and I appreciated you not making those 7 yr olds panic. You kept your cool. You came to NYC and stood on the rubble and vowed to get the bastards that did this.
Afghanistan: We invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 and smashed the Taliban and Al Qaeda and established a democracy there. It's still a troubled area of the world. The Taliban remnants are still trying to disrupt the process and Al Qaeda operates across the border in Pakistan. Let's hope the rookie can finish the job there. It's no easy task.
Let's face it, Saddam had to go. 14 UN Resolutions later, we took care of that roach and his gang thugs despite what France and Germany (who were in bed with the tyrant) thought. We all know he had the WMDs, whether we found them or not was irrelevant. The liberal nutjobs will never give you your due on Iraq, but they won't be the ultimate arbitor, history will. Mistakes were made along the way, but Iraq is now a democracy and an ally and our brave military continues to keep the peace there. To put the casualties in it's proper perspective, nearly double the Marines were killed on Iwo Jima (7,000) in 30 days than in the 5 plus years in Iraq and nearly 13,00o Marines and Sailors were killed on Okinawa in just 6 weeks. Let's hope the Messiah doesn't botch the victory there.2004 Election: You beat John "Lurch" Kerry and won a mandate by the American people. Liberals everywhere were threatening to leave the country. It's too bad they are cowards and they lie. The look on Jon Bon Blow Me's face when Lurch conceded was classic.
Tax Cuts: Let me say that I benefitted tremendously from them as did the economy. The private sector created many jobs and the rookie should make them permanent.
The Mainstream Media: The MSM, liberal media, antique media, whatever you want to call it, is loaded with elitist liberals who despised you from Florida 2000 and on. With a brief respite following 9/11, they attacked you and weakened this country with countless stories about Abu Graib (which didn't advance the story any further), Gitmo, No WMDs, rendition, alleged torture, on and on. They even talked the economy down as best they could giving no confidence to investors and consumers. How much you wanna bet they will talk it up once the Messiah is sworn in? How much you wanna bet these snobby elitists will continue to blame you for it? They'll get away with it for at least a year.
All in all, you kept me and my family safe after 9/11. And that's the only issue I care about. Breathing is great, isn't it? Farewell Mr. President.
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